Order transport by truck in the most efficient and sustainable way

1 out of 2 trucks drive empty or partially empty on European roads. Such a waste!

Join our digital freight network and get access to reliable carriers across Europe. Trust in sustainable, efficient, and fast shipping solutions for your road freight.

20.000+ active users

300+ partner carriers

Start shipping

Never wait for a quote again

Reduce CO2 emissions, fill empty trucks

Book a shipment on the Quicargo platform and get matched with a carrier for a fair price.
Start shipping pallets and parcels today and help solve the issue of empty trucks on the road.

What are the advantages for you?

Reduce your ecological footprint
Enjoy instant and transparent rates
Gain time, order within 60 seconds

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Quicargo online transport platform

Sustainability is very important for us. Working with Quicargo matches our green business objectives.

Melle Schellekens
Founder The Good Roll

Melle Schellekens The Good Roll shipper Quicargo

Thousands of companies preceded you

Average customer rating: 8,2/10
Book a shipment within 60 seconds
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Scanmodul Logo Popal Logo Colorfone Logo Jetdrinks Logo PCO Logo Knauf Logo Basic-Fit Logo The Good Roll Logo Pols Potten Logo Gemeente Rotterdam shipper Logo Aigostar Logo

From small businesses with a couple of orders per month, to companies with hundreds of orders per week —
Both SMEs and large businesses make use of Quicargo.

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More than a simple platform

Why use Quicargo?

Read what other businesses say

Discover how shippers and carriers make great use of Quicargo

Take a look! Active shippers and carriers share how the platform enables them to save time, minimize costs, reduce CO2 emissions, and more!

Integrate with your own shipping software

Sustainable Shipping


1 out of 2 trucks drive empty or partially empty on European roads. Join us in our fight against empty trucks and waste in the logistics industry.

Go green

Join a network of more than 300+ partner carriers

Are you already on the road? Then you may as well pickup some extra shipments.

Integrate with your TMS system
Only accept the orders you want
Use the platform for free

Choose which shipments you want to execute. After a succesful delivery, get paid within 30 days.

Enjoy automated processes
Get paid within 30 days

Start driving
Platform for freight carriers
Increase your margins by 400%

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Meet our partner carriers

Whether you need a local hero for your regional shipments or a strong international carrier for your shipments across Europe, Quicargo has you covered.

You can also become part of our strong digital network and start picking up shipments. There are plenty of benefits for both sides, no matter if you are a shipper or a carrier.

All destinations, all lanes, in one place

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Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for some answers to questions you may have about Quicargo? Take a look at our help center.

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Customer Support

Want to have direct contact with us? We help you with all your financial, service and sales related queries.

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Answers to your questions

It is economical to ship with Quicargo because your goods get matched with trucks that are driving empty or partially empty.

By using the platform, you help carriers generate more revenue, whilst you save costs.

You also contribute to making the transport industry more sustainable.

What’s more? With deal rates, you can save up to 20% in costs, depending on your volume.

Quicargo is a better alternative to shipping pallets than DHL and UPS because you can expect superior customer service. Check our reviews in comparison to get a good impression.

In addition, DHL and UPS pay little attention to SMEs. The rates are often much higher and it is difficult to book pallet shipments. Therefore arrange your pallet transport within 60 seconds via Quicargo and always know immediately how much you pay!

Use platform rates if you want to book orders instantly via the Quicargo platform.

If you want to make use of Quicargo more often, then consider requesting automated deal rates.
Depending on your volume, you save up to 20% in costs. 


Mini Pallets – 80×60 – max weight: 350 kg
Europallets – 80×120 – max weight: 1000 kg
Blok Pallets – 100×120 – max weight: 1200 kg
Custom Size Pallets (Non-standard pallets) – max width 200 cm – max weight: 2000 kg

*900+ kg? Then you need a forklift at the loading and unloading address.


Standard parcels – max length 130cm – max weight 20kg
Non-standard parcels – max length 175cm – max weight 31,5 kg – max girth 300 cm (1x length + 2x width + 2x height)

Our team is growing rapidly and consists of more than 40 employees.

We are proud that the platform is developed 100% in-house.

In addition, you can rely on a customer-friendly and proactive support team.

Learn more about Quicargo →

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The invoice will be sent on Monday after the order has been registered as ‘delivered’.

You have the following payment options:

  • iDEAL
  • SEPA direct debit
  • Bancontact
  • Bank transfer
No, currently you cannot request ADR and/or temperature-controlled transport on the platform.

No, only companies with a valid VAT number can use the Quicargo platform.