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Appreciate full transparency in pricing and save up to 30% in shipping costs.
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Order your transport on demand. For both small and large volumes.
Reduce CO2 emissions.
1 out of 2 trucks drive empty on the European roads. Fill up those trucks.
To ship from the UK to the Netherlands, you need certain documents to the Brexit.
Before entering an order, make sure you have the following:
• Work exclusively with the best British and Dutch carriers
Is it hard to find empty trucks to take your goods from the UK to the Netherlands?
Do you want to save time and costs?
Get a taste of how smooth logistics can be with Quicargo.
Order within no-time a pallet delivery from London to Amsterdam, a small LTL shipment from Manchester to Rotterdam or a full truckload from Birmingham to Venlo.
• Save up to 30% by using empty space
Make an environmental impact
Get your freight from the UK picked up by trucks that would otherwise drive empty.
Reduce empty kilometers
Yes, indeed. Your company can authorize a representative to file the required paperwork. However, Quicargo itself is not allowed to handle these documents for companies trading between the UK and the EU as this is only allowed for businesses which are established in the UK.
Quicargo therefore works together with a third party in the United Kingdom, which is taking over the paperwork as an indirect representative – making matters easier for your company.
It is very important to make sure your cargo is transportation-proof before sending your pallets to the UK or The Netherlands. Only when your pallets are prepared in the correct way, it allows carriers to deliver your shipment quickly and, most importantly, safely. After all, damaged road freight would be a big waste!
In need for some packaging tips?
Take a look at the video below for handy instructions. However, please note that the suitable packaging method for your road freight depends on various factors, such as the size of your cargo.
• Order freight on-demand • 100% online
For spot transport, you can take advantage of direct quotes. This service is currently only available for shipping from the UK to the Netherlands and for shipping from the Netherlands to the UK.
Create an account on our digital platform. You can then fill in all the necessary details of your order. After this step, you can see the shipping costs. If you are pleased with our quote, you can go ahead and order your shipment. It is that easy!
If we do not offer you a direct spot solution (you can check the availability of your route in the price calculator), you can always request a quote. This way, you will receive an offer within 1 working day for example for shipping UK to Germany, shipping to France from the UK or for shipping England to Belgium.
As a result of Brexit, trading between the EU and the UK became more difficult. At Quicargo, we are closely following the situation so as to stay up-to-date with new rules and regulations.
• Instant quotes • No subscription fees
Quicargo does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the information given about the required paperwork on this site.
Last updated on 11-08-2021.
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Use Quicargo to get matched with the most appropriate carrier for your goods.
National and International shipments, pallets and (oversized) parcels, mounted forklift, B2C...
With Quicargo, you get access to all.Without deal prices, the shipping rates for pallets from the UK start at €193. This includes the cost of customs.
*Rates include diesel tax, excl. VAT.
It is more common to ship block pallets (100×120) than europallets in the UK.
The first Monday after delivery, you will receive the invoice. You have the following payment options:
1 out of 2 trucks in Europe drive around empty. By using Quicargo, you are efficiently making use of unused capacity to reduce the number of empty trucks on the road.
As such, you are helping to reduce CO2 emissions and traffic.
Where are you? > Shipping Europe > Shipping UK > Shipping UK-Netherlands
Quicargo B.V.
Burgemeester Stekelenburgplein 199, 5041 SC, Tilburg Office
+31 13 808 1346
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