Quicargo B.V. (hereinafter Quicargo), 1066EP Amsterdam, John M. Keynesplein 12, registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 92798462, is responsible for the processing of personal data as set out in this privacy statement.
Contact details:
+31 13 808 1346
Quicargo B.V. processes your personal data as you use our services and/or because you provide us these data.
Below you can find an overview of the (personal) data that we (may) process:
We process no special categories of personal data and/or sensitive personal data.
We process your personal data for the following purposes:
Quicargo used auto-generated data for statistical purposes as well as for the protection and improvement of our activities, services and the official website of Quicargo. This information is provided to third parties in so far as they are completely anonymized or not personally identifiable to you.
The Quicargo website automatically collects certain non-identifiable information about the visitors of its website, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer from visitors, date and time of access to the website, the internet address of the website from which the visitor is redirected to the website of Quicargo, the IP address of the Internet Service Provider of the visitor, the visitor’s operating system , the parts, information and pages of the website that the visitor has visited and/or viewed, as well as the material forwarded or downloaded by the visitor of the Website.
This technical information is used for the management of the website and to the website and services of Quicargo. In addition, this data can be used for historical, statistical or scientific purposes. This information may be passed on to third parties in so far as it is completely anonymized or not personally identifiable to you.
We do not take decisions on the basis of automated processing on matters that may have (considerable) impact on people. We are talking about decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without any human (for example, one of our employees) interference.
4.1. Sharing of personal information with third parties
We do not sell your information to third parties and will only share data if needed for the execution of our agreement with you, improve our website (where possible your IP-address is processed) or to comply with a legal obligation.
With companies that process your data on our behalf, we enter into a data processing agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. We remain responsible for this processing.
We are doing business with companies in countries outside the European economic area (EEA). If we transfer personal data to third parties located outside the EEA and where not an adequate level of protection is present, we continue to monitor the processing of personal data and we use legal transfer mechanisms to ensure that the personal data are sufficiently protected. Examples include the use of EU standard contracts or contract with parties certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield or to act in its place arrangements.
4.2. Cookies
This Quicargo website uses cookies. Cookies are small information files that a website leaves on the hardware of the Users (for example, computer or smartphone). The website uses different kind of cookies:
I. Functional cookies:
These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. These cookies are used to store certain user and preference settings, any login data, to facilitate and optimize the use of the website. In addition, these cookies are used to detect abuse of the website.
II. Social media cookies:
Information on the website can be shared via social media. This can be done by using the social media buttons present on the website. These operate on the basis of social media cookies that are placed by the social media parties (such as Facebook). By clicking on a social media button, the User will be redirected to the website of the relevant social media party. For the use of the cookies by the social media parties please refer to the information on the websites of these social media parties. This information can change regularly without any influence of us.
III. Analytical cookies:
These cookies are used to collect information about the use of the website. For this purpose, among others, we make use of the software from Google Analytics. These cookies measure how many visitors come to the Web site, at which time the website and pages are visited, from which region the user visits the website, from which website the user is redirected to the website, which pages are visited (how long and how often) and in what order and if errors have occurred. The data collected is used to optimally attune the website to the desires and needs of the Users.
At your first visit to our website you have been informed about these cookies and we have your permission for posting them.
You can opt out of cookies through your internet browser so that it does not save cookies anymore. In addition, you can also delete all information that was previously stored by your browser settings.
See for an explanation: https://veiliginternetten.nl/themes/situatie/cookies-wat-zijn-het-en-wat-doe-ik-ermee/
Overview cookies
Also, various cookies placed on this website by third parties. Below is a list:
Cookie | Function | Retention period |
Google Analytics | Analytical cookie that measures website use | 2 years |
Bing | Analytical cookie that measures website use | 1 year |
Zendesk | Messenger app | 1 year |
Fullstory | Analytical cookie that measures website visits and feedback | 1 year |
Justuno | Analytical cookie that measures website visits and feedback | 6 months |
Hubspot | CRM user notifications | 10 years |
Facebook pixel | Analytical cookie that measures website visits used for targeting | 180 days |
4.3. See, modify, or delete data
You have the right to see your personal data, to correct or remove it. You can do this through the personal settings of your account. In addition, you have the right to retract your permission for the processing of your data or to object to the processing of your personal data by our company. You also have the right of data portability. That means that you can apply that the information we have of you will be transferred in a computer file to you or another organization, requested by you.
Would you like to use your right to object and/or right to use data portability or if you have other questions/comments about the data processing, please send a specified request to service@quicargo.com.
To ensure that the request for inspection is done by you, we ask you to send a copy of your ID in the request. Please blacken out your photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the Strip with numbers at the bottom of the Passport), passport number and social security number (BSN) in this copy of your passport. This to protect your privacy. We will respond as fast as possible, but in any case within four weeks.
We also like to point out that you have the possibility to complain to the national supervisory authority, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. That can be done via the following link: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons
What is a data breach? A data breach is a security breach that accidentally or fraudulently (possibly) leads to the destruction, loss, modification or unauthorized provision of-or the unauthorized access to forwarding, saving, or otherwise processing of personal data.
If you have knowledge of a data breach or a possible data breach we ask that you make mention of this as soon as possible. Please contact our support at service@quicargo.com. We deal with such notifications as soon as possible and make further investigation and take measures necessary to prevent further harm or damage to those involved and to us. As the law requires a data breach that can have serious consequences, will be reported to the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens and to the people(s) whose personal data are involved in this data breach.
On the website you will find some links to other websites. Although these websites are carefully selected by Quicargo, we take no responsibility for the handling of personal data by these organizations. For this, please read the privacy statement (if any) of the relevant websites.
Quicargo B.V.
Burgemeester Stekelenburgplein 199, 5041 SC, Tilburg Office
+31 13 808 1346
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